Welcome to to Ex Uno Plures, a website about multiplicity (otherwise called plurality, among other names; we use “multiplicity” and “plurality” interchangeably here). The name comes from the Latin for “out of one, many.” Although we have some traits of DID or MPD, our website does not focus on strictly medicalised multiplicity. Instead, Ex Uno Plures focuses on “empowered multiplicity,” or experiences of more-than-oneness in which collectives can develop working communication systems, confront past trauma together (if it exists), and otherwise live their lives side by side. For the past seventeen years, we’ve been writing articles dismantling medicalised stereotypes, talking about the ways we’ve built our life collaboratively, discussing the intersections between mental health and race (since we’re multiracial and are read as Black), philosophical interpretations of multiplicity, and other topics about what it means to be plural in a world that often doesn’t get it.
Our articles are geared towards intelligent, curious readers who know at least a little about plurality and are ready for deeper reading—or plural systems who want to find out how to navigate life together and deal with its twists and turns.
We’re glad you’ve come upon our site, and we hope you find what you need from it.
—all the members of Plures House